Recent Storm Damage Posts

A Guide to Understanding Wind Damage

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

SERVPRO vehicle parked outside. Stay informed, stay vigilant, stay safe, and call our team for assistance with property damage.

When it comes to natural disasters, wind can be a powerful and destructive force. Understanding the potential effects of wind damage is crucial for homeowners and business owners alike. In this guide, we'll explore the various ways wind damage can impact properties and offer tips on how to prepare for and mitigate its effects.

1. Roof Damage

One of the most common consequences of high winds is roof damage. Strong gusts can lift shingles, tear off roofing materials, and even cause structural damage to the roof deck. Inspect your roof regularly for signs of wear and tear, and reinforce vulnerable areas to minimize the risk of damage during storms.

2. Siding and Exterior Damage

Wind can also wreak havoc on the exterior of buildings, causing siding to become loose, crack, or detach completely. Flying debris propelled by high winds can cause dents, punctures, and other forms of damage to siding materials. Ensure that your siding is securely installed and consider reinforcing it with impact-resistant materials.

3. Windows and Doors

Windows and doors are particularly vulnerable to wind damage, especially during severe storms and hurricanes. High winds can cause windows to shatter, frames to warp, and doors to become misaligned or damaged. Invest in storm shutters or impact-resistant glass to protect your windows and doors from wind-driven debris.

4. Falling Trees and Branches

Strong winds can uproot trees, snap branches, and topple power lines, posing a significant risk to nearby structures. Trim trees and branches regularly to prevent them from falling onto your property during storms. Remove dead or diseased trees that may be more susceptible to wind damage.

5. Structural Integrity

In extreme cases, prolonged exposure to high winds can compromise the structural integrity of buildings, leading to collapse or partial failure. Ensure that your property is built to code and undergoes regular inspections to identify and address any structural vulnerabilities.

6. Water Intrusion

Wind-driven rain can infiltrate buildings through gaps, cracks, and compromised roofing materials, leading to water damage and mold growth. Seal gaps and cracks around windows, doors, and other openings to prevent water intrusion during storms. Maintain your gutters and downspouts to ensure proper drainage away from the building.

7. Mitigation and Preparedness

To minimize the risk of wind damage, it's essential to take proactive measures to prepare your property. Secure outdoor furniture and equipment, reinforce vulnerable areas, and consider installing wind-resistant features such as impact-resistant windows and doors. Develop a comprehensive emergency plan and stay informed about weather forecasts and warnings.

Understanding the potential impact of wind damage is key to protecting your property and ensuring the safety of your family or occupants. By taking proactive measures to reinforce vulnerable areas, mitigate risks, and prepare for emergencies, you can minimize the effects of wind damage and enhance the resilience of your property against future storms. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and stay safe.

Steps for Home and Business Owners to Mitigate Hail Damage

1/17/2024 (Permalink)

Hailstorms can cause significant damage to homes and businesses, resulting in costly repairs and disruptions. Taking proactive measures to mitigate hail damage can help minimize the impact and protect your property. In this blog, we'll discuss crucial steps that home and business owners can take to minimize the effects of hailstorms.

Understanding Hail Damage

Hailstones can vary in size and cause damage to roofs, windows, siding, vehicles, and outdoor equipment. Larger hailstones can cause severe damage, leading to leaks and structural issues. Older roofs, fragile materials, and inadequate maintenance can increase vulnerability to hail damage.

Steps to Mitigate Hail Damage

Regular Inspections

Conduct regular inspections of your property, focusing on the roof, siding, windows, and outdoor structures. Look for signs of damage or vulnerabilities that could worsen during a hailstorm.

Roof Maintenance

Keep your roof in good condition by repairing or replacing damaged shingles, flashing, or gutters. Consider impact-resistant roofing materials if you live in an area prone to hailstorms.

Protective Measures 

Install protective coverings like storm shutters for windows or invest in impact-resistant windows and doors to reduce the risk of damage.

Secure Outdoor Items

During severe weather alerts, secure outdoor furniture, equipment, and vehicles in a covered area or garage to minimize damage caused by hailstones.

Landscaping Considerations

Trim trees and remove dead branches that could potentially break and cause damage during hailstorms. Protect delicate plants by covering them with a tarp or bringing them indoors.

Insurance Review

Review your insurance policy to ensure adequate coverage for hail damage. Understand what is covered and document your property for insurance claims.

Professional Assessment

After a hailstorm, seek professional assessment and inspection of your property by experienced restoration and roofing professionals like our SERVPRO® team to identify and address any damage.

Mitigating hail damage involves proactive maintenance, protective measures, and timely inspections. By taking these essential steps, home and business owners can significantly reduce the impact of hailstorms on their properties. Prepare now to mitigate hail damage and protect your property from the effects of severe weather!

Surviving the Dark: A Guide to Coping with Power Outages After a Storm

9/25/2023 (Permalink)

Power outages during storms can be a common occurrence, especially in the Southeast region. While it may be inconvenient and disruptive, it's important to prioritize safety during these times. Being prepared and taking appropriate measures can help you cope with power outages and ensure the well-being of yourself and your loved ones. In this blog post, we will discuss safety measures to implement during power outages caused by Southeast storms.

Have a Well-Equipped Emergency Kit

Preparing an emergency kit in advance is essential for coping with power outages. The kit should include essential items such as flashlight(s) with extra batteries, a battery-operated radio, a first aid kit, a supply of non-perishable food and water, a manual can opener, and any necessary medications. Also, have blankets, warm clothing, and extra layers to stay comfortable in case the power outage lasts for an extended period or occurs during cold weather.

During a power outage, stay informed about the situation by listening to battery-operated radios or utilizing a mobile device with cellular data. Keep a list of emergency contact numbers readily available. Plan a communication strategy with your family or housemates to ensure everyone knows how to stay in touch and where to meet if separated during the outage.

Preserve Food Safety and electronics

When the power goes out, it's important to take measures to preserve the safety of perishable food items in your refrigerator and freezer. Keep the refrigerator and freezer doors closed as much as possible to maintain the cold air inside. As a general rule, food in a closed refrigerator will stay cold for about four hours, while a full freezer can remain cold for up to 48 hours. If necessary, consider using coolers with ice or storing food in a neighbor's refrigerator during an extended outage.

Using candles during a power outage may seem like a convenient option, but it can be a fire hazard. Instead, opt for battery-powered flashlights or lanterns to provide light safely. Keep a supply of extra batteries on hand and avoid using open flame sources indoors.

To protect your electronics and appliances from power surges when the power is restored, unplug them during the outage. This can help prevent potential damage to your devices and avoid electrical fires caused by power fluctuations.

Avoid Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

If using a generator during a power outage, ensure it is set up and operated correctly to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. Generators should be placed outdoors in a well-ventilated area, away from windows, doors, and vents. Carbon monoxide is an odorless and colorless gas that can be deadly when inhaled. Never use a portable generator or any fuel-burning equipment indoors or in enclosed spaces.

Stay Warm During Cold Weather

Power outages during Southeast storms can sometimes occur during colder months. If you experience an outage during cold weather, take steps to stay warm. Bundle up in layered clothing, use blankets, and gather in one central area to share body heat. Consider using alternative heat sources such as a fireplace or properly vented propane heater. Ensure proper ventilation to prevent carbon monoxide buildup.

During a power outage, remember to check on elderly neighbors, individuals with disabilities, or anyone who may be more vulnerable. They may require additional assistance or support during this time. Offer to help them with essential tasks and ensure they have the necessary resources and supplies.

Power outages during Southeast storms can be frustrating, but prioritizing safety measures is crucial. By being prepared and taking appropriate measures, you can navigate power outages with confidence and protect the well-being of yourself and your loved ones.

Beyond Sandbags: Exploring Innovative Alternatives for Effective Flood Protection

6/28/2023 (Permalink)

Sandbags have long been a traditional method for flood protection, but they come with limitations and drawbacks. Thankfully, advancements in technology and innovative solutions have brought forth alternatives to sandbagging that offer more efficient and effective flood protection. In this blog post, we will explore several alternative methods that can provide reliable flood mitigation, ensuring the safety of communities and properties in flood-prone areas.

Flood Barriers and Water-Activated Flood Bags

Flood barriers are designed to create a temporary barrier against rising waters. These barriers come in various forms, such as water-activated flood bags. These bags are lightweight and easy to store, expanding and filling with water upon contact. They create a strong and reliable barrier that can be stacked to the desired height, providing an effective alternative to sandbags. Additionally, flood barriers can be made of durable materials like aluminum, steel, or high-density plastic, offering reusable and long-lasting protection.

Inflatable Flood Barriers

Inflatable flood barriers have gained popularity as a convenient and efficient alternative to sandbagging. These barriers can be quickly deployed and inflated using compressed air or water. Made of robust materials, they form a sturdy barrier against floodwaters. Inflatable flood barriers can be customized to fit specific areas and are easily deflated and stored after use. They offer rapid deployment, versatility, and the ability to protect larger areas with fewer resources.

Flood Gates and Flood Panels

Flood gates and flood panels provide an effective means of flood protection for entrances, doors, and vulnerable openings in buildings. These barriers are typically made of durable materials like aluminum or steel and can be quickly installed when a flood event is anticipated. Flood gates can be hinged or sliding, creating a watertight seal when closed. Flood panels are removable and can be stored until needed. These solutions provide targeted protection for buildings, preventing flood water infiltration through entry points.

Flood Bags and Water Absorbent Materials

Innovative flood bags and water-absorbent materials offer an alternative approach to sandbagging. These bags are filled with super-absorbent polymer crystals that expand upon contact with water. The bags act as barriers, absorbing and containing water, thereby reducing the risk of flooding. This method is particularly effective in smaller-scale flooding scenarios or for localized protection around critical infrastructure.

Flood Control Systems

Advanced flood control systems incorporate technology and engineering to provide comprehensive flood protection. These systems can include flood barriers, gates, sensors, and automated controls. They utilize real-time data to detect rising water levels and automatically deploy flood protection measures. These systems are often used for critical infrastructure, such as pumping stations, power plants, and wastewater treatment plants, providing reliable and automated flood mitigation.

Sandbags have long been relied upon for flood protection, but they come with limitations and drawbacks. Fortunately, alternative methods and technologies offer more efficient and effective solutions for flood mitigation. From water-activated flood bags and inflatable barriers to flood gates, panels, and advanced flood control systems, these alternatives provide reliable protection, ease of deployment, and improved durability. Embracing these innovative alternatives can enhance flood preparedness, safeguard communities, and minimize the impact of flooding on properties and infrastructure.

5 Ways To Protect Your Business from Flood Damage

8/25/2022 (Permalink)

Prepare For Flood Damage

When you own a business, it's important to be prepared for emergencies of all types. If you know that you live in a flood-prone area such as in Raleigh, NC, then there are some proactive steps you can take to prevent flood damage to your building.

1. Buy Flood Insurance
When you purchased your building, you were informed of the flood risk to your property. If any significant portion of your building is below the base flood elevation, it's a good idea to have flood insurance. Even if flooding isn't common in your area, it can still happen during a stronger than normal storm.

2. Be Careful with Storage
If you do have a basement below your base flood elevation, be very careful about what you store there. If there's any chance of storm damage ruining important documentation or products, find a different place to store those items.

3. Raise Electrical
From your actual electrical panels, sockets, and wiring to your HVAC system, ensure that these aren't installed in areas susceptible to flood damage. Not only does this prevent damage to those electrical components, it's safer for you and your staff. After a flood, work with a water damage restoration company to assess the safety of your building before returning to collect your belongings.

4. Landscape Wisely
Does your landscaper know how to prevent flooding by using native plants? Plants that are native to your area can help drain the soil more effectively and prevent soil erosion.

5. Stock Prevention Items
The greater the risk of frequent flooding, the more prepared you should be. Stock water barriers such as sandbags and other types of absorbent flood barriers to keep water outside. Flood gates might be beneficial for large office complexes. Backup generators keep everyone comfortable if the power goes out.
Preparing for flood damage in advance will make the process of restoring your business smoother so that you can get back to work more quickly.

4 Types of Storm Damage Solar Panels Can Handle

5/17/2022 (Permalink)

Solar Panels Can Handle Four Different Types of Storm Damage

If you've been considering solar cells for your home in Raleigh, NC, you may be concerned about their durability. Solar cells and panels are made primarily of a type of silicone that conducts electricity as it absorbs sunlight. They undergo extensive and rigorous testing to ensure that they can withstand damage from many potential dangers.

1. Wind
One panel damage test must be passed in the wind damage test. Many panels can withstand winds of 140 miles per hour. Oftentimes, strong winds don't damage the panels themselves; instead, the frame that holds the panels in place is damaged. Roof damage can also jeopardize panels. An emergency restoration company can assess damage to your roof and solar equipment and guide you through the process of getting your solar power back.

2. Rain
You don't need to worry about your panels during a heavy rainstorm. They are made of waterproof material that is unaffected by moisture. In fact, the rain will help clean pollen and dirt from the panels, which maintains their effectiveness.

3. Hail
Hail is one of the greatest dangers to panels. Panel damage occurs when the hail falls at a high rate or when many balls of hail strike a single panel repeatedly in the same place. Developers have controlled this by subjecting panels to hail testing. Most can withstand direct hits of up to 70 miles per hour.

4. Snow
In areas with a lot of snow, panels can still be a great source of solar power. Panels absorb heat from the sun, not just light, so the panels themselves will be warm, melting the ice and keeping your panels free from obstructions.
When considering solar power, understand that panel damage is possible. However, developers have worked diligently to create a product that can withstand extreme weather conditions and reliably provide energy to your home.

Mitigation, Restoration and Remediation Explained

4/21/2022 (Permalink)

If your company is ever in the need of the services of a flood cleanup company, you are likely to hear a few terms thrown about over and over again. Three of the most common are mitigation, restoration and remediation. To many people, these terms sound quite similar, but they do have a few shades of differences. To start with, mitigation refers to any effort to minimize the damage of something. This could be efforts such as flood prevention or storm prevention before a storm occurs, or it could also refer to efforts to lessen additional damage after a storm or a flood.

The Meaning of Restoration

A flood cleanup company in Meredith College, NC, will engage in many restoration efforts. This is usually associated with repairs after the damage has already happened. The repairs could be fairly minor such as a paint touch-up, or they could be as extensive as rebuilding walls. A restoration company often works on the following materials:

  • Drywall
  • Insulation
  • Flooring
  • Furniture
  • Carpeting
  • Ceilings

Restoration really means any program to bring something back to its original condition after it has received damage. A certified restoration services company will have extensive training in ways to restore items after damage from water or a storm. A professional franchise will employ many technicians that provide expertise in challenging situations.

The Meaning of Remediation

While this sounds suspiciously similar to the word restoration, it does hold a few nuances. It generally refers to the remedying of a situation that has gone bad. This, of course, could refer to the damage caused by a storm or a fire. Remediation is the art of improving a situation and returning something to its original state. It might include such techniques as cleaning and sanitizing, removing odors and drying out moist areas.
A flood cleanup company will use these terms in many different situations. It will also know the best techniques to return a company to good condition again after a storm or some other disaster.

Keeping Office Workers Safe and Productive During a Snow Storm

3/28/2022 (Permalink)

Maintaining Office Workers' Safety and Productivity During a Snowstorm

A massive snowstorm has the potential to cause severe workplace disruptions. Thankfully, technological advances have enabled offices to keep running even during inclement weather. During these times, always instruct workers to remain at home, where they can be both safe and productive.

Emergency Snow Kits

It's recommended that someone still arrive on-site in Lake Wheeler, NC, to watch for damage caused by intense freezing, such as a pipe burst. As soon as you identify a problem, contact a building repair specialist to repair the issue.
Those tasked with observing offices need winter weather emergency supplies stashed in their cars. Every vehicle needs:

  • Jumper cables
  • Flashlights
  • Bottled water
  • Sand
  • Warm clothes
  • Non-perishable snacks

These items can help assure safety even under the most perilous situations. Before hitting the road during a snowstorm, make sure your tank is full and your phone is fully charged. These simple measures can make a world of difference.

Emergency Snow Warnings

The longer it takes to inform employees that they should remain in place, the greater the chance they will head out and fall into danger. Here are some tips for spreading the word as fast as possible.
Official storm warnings are generally issued between 12 and 24 hours before an imminent weather event. Tune into radio broadcasts and television stations with coverage that you trust and know will interrupt pre-scheduled programming. Create presets for The Weather Channel or your local weather station so you can quickly access the information you need. Install weather apps on your phone and turn on push notifications.
Have a list of everyone who works in your office. Make sure their phone numbers and email addresses are up-to-date and get in touch with them immediately after receiving news of impending winter weather.
Employees need to remain safe during a snowstorm, but they may still be able to work from home even under the snowiest conditions. With safety being the priority, early notification remains key.

5 Types of Storm Shutters To Protect Your Home

1/20/2022 (Permalink)

Accordion storm shutter Protect your home by installing storm shutters.

Protect Your Home With Storm Shutters

Keeping your home safe during a storm is dictated by the environment where you live. If you live in an area where storms with high winds are a regular occurrence, this may include installing storm shutters.

There are several types of window treatment available. Which is right for you may depend on a variety of factors:

  • Permanence
  • Appearance
  • Function
  • Degree of protection
  • Price

Accordion Panels

These protective barriers are attached to your home permanently. They consist of hinged panels made of metal or polycarbonate. When a storm threatens, you'll have to unfold them from their boxes at the side of your windows and then lock them into place. These panels are moderately priced and are considered an affordable option.

Bahama Awnings

These permanent window coverings are best in locations where it is hot and clear. They provide shade during sunny days and protection from debris when there are high winds. They're available at a wide range of prices, from affordable to higher-end.

Colonial Panels

These permanent panels are designed to be attractive and protective. They are on the higher end, pricewise, but come in a wide variety of designs, materials, textures, and colors. When a storm threatens, you unlatch them from their position by the windows and bolt them into place.

Rolling Shutters

These are attached permanently to your home and are available in many attractive designs. They provide a wide range of functions and can be operated mechanically. They are considered to be some of the most effective storm closures and tend to be among the most expensive.

Storm Panels

These purely functional panels are often made of aluminum, polycarbonate, or steel. They are only put up when there's a threat of a hurricane or high wind speeds. For installation, a steel channel must be bolted around the frames of doors and windows. These storm shutters tend to be some of the most affordable; only plywood is less expensive.

If you aren't sure which panels are best for Fuquay-Varina, NC, contact a home restoration professional with experience in high winds for recommendations. It may save you a lot of grief in the future.